(U zahvalnost Rodžeru Votersu)

Bitka za Bosnu i Hercegovinu
još traje.
U Sarajevu se brani suština civilizacije
Dođi Rodžeru Votersu
i otpjevaj „Jednu ciglu u zidu“
jer nigdje u Evropi ta himna slobode
nema jači i iskreniji eho.
Dođi Rodžeru
jer Sarajevo te treba
Slobodarska misija gubi smisao
bez herojskog Sarajeva
tvom muzičkom studiju
mjesto je kod „Vječne vatre“
spomeniku antifašizma
Nedostaje rodžerovskog plama bunta
protiv nepravde i tirana
da bi se rasplamsala vatra prkosa
mračnjačkoj najezdi jahača apokalipse
koji prijete da ljudska osjećanja
prikuju na stub srama
a od divljaštva načine krunu svijeta:
               samo usijane note sanjivog basa
               uz ritmičnu pratnju vjernog doboša
               i zanosni ples dubokih timpana
               te prasak zveckavih činela
imaju moć da unesu svjetlo
u evropski turoban dan
kome ponestaju sunčani zraci
dok stari kontinent tone
u dugu polarnu noć.

Dođi Rodžeru Votersu
u slobodarsko Sarajevo
da ti dodjelimo povelju – glasa savjesti
jer ti si rekao jasno i glasno
ono što je epoha šutila
a mnogima klizila između prstiju
između nota, između riječi
između stihova
između slika, pokreta i krikova
i neartikulisano ostalo da jezdi
iznad glava zbunjenih ljudi
ne znajući šta se dešava:
               da li im se stvarnost pričinjava
               ili je zaista istina
               to što vide, čuju i osjećaju?

Gase nam muziku u gradu
Zatiru nam muzičku scenu
Rastjeruju nam po svijetu zaljubljenike u ritam i melodije
melju nam duh beživotnom drobilicom
i od nas hoće da načine bezosjećajne strojeve:
koji će gasiti svjetlo i širiti mrak
koji će od pjesme načiniti oluju
koji će od ljubavi tvoriti mržnju
koji će gaziti život a slaviti smrt.

Možda ti nisu rekli
ali '92 godine – kada su psi rata
sijali smrt po evropskom Jerusalemu
tvoja kreacija je bila duhovni zid
na prvoj liniji odbrane grada
gdje su se branile civilizacijske vrijednosti
od najezde avetinjskog varvarizma.

Mi koji smo budni u vještačkom paklenom grotlu
gdje nam svakodnevno razvlače pamet
i uče nas pravila koja se nigdje ne koriste
shvatamo da je besmisleno u takvom okruženju
predlagati Rodžera Votersa
svjetlonošca Pink Flojda
za Šestoaprilsku nagradu grada Sarajeva
pa mu neovisno od oficijelne volje
dodjeljujemo priznanje
u vidu stihova sarajevske poezije
da bi se namirio dug iz prošlog milenijuma
da bi se oplemenila sarajevska „Vječna vatra“
zlaćanim plamom vječne misterije
što potiče čovjeka
da zakorači u san.


Ibrahim Osmanbašić

Sarajevo, 15.2.2019. god.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * *


                       (In gratitude to Roger Waters)

The battle for Bosnia and Herzegovina is still ongoing.
The essence of civilization is defended in Sarajevo.
Come, Roger Waters
and sing "Another Brick in the Wall"
because nowhere else in Europe
this anthem of freedom has stronger and more sincere echo.
Come, Roger
because Sarajevo needs you
the Liberal Mission loses its meaning
without heroic Sarajevo.
Your music studio
should be placed by "Eternal Fire".
A monument of anti-fascism
misses Roger's flame of rebellion
against injustice and tyranny
to flare up the fire of defiance
to the obscure invasion of the apocalypse riders
who threaten to nail down the human emotins
on the pillar of shame
and from the savage they made the crown of the world:
only glowing notes of dreamy bass
with the rhythmic accompaniment of a faithful drum
and ecstatic dance of deep timpans
and a bang of clinking cymbals
have the power to bring the light
into European gloomy day
missing the sunlights
while the old continent sinks
into the long polar night.

Come, Roger Waters
to the Sarajevo liberation army
to give you a charter -a voice of conscience
because you said loudly and clearly
what the epoch was silent about
what glided between the fingers to a many
between the notes, between the words
between verses, between images, movements and cries
and unarticulated left to ride
above the heads of confused people
not knowing what was happening:
Whether reality was just an imagination
or was it real of what they saw, heard and felt?

They switch off our music in the city,
they suppress our music scene,
they disperse the lovers of rhytms and melodies,
they grind our spirits with a lifeless crusher
and they want to turn us into insensitive machines
that will extinguish the light and spread the darkness
that will turn a song into the storm
that will create hatred from love
that will tread on the life and celebrate the death.

Maybe they didn't tell you
but '92 - when the dogs of war
spread the death on European Jerusalem
your creation was a spiritual wall
on the first line of defense of the city
where civilization values were defended
from the avenger's barbarism.

We who are awake in artificial hellfire
where our everyday routine grows
and they teach us rules that are not used anywhere
we realize it is meaningless in such an environment
to suggest Roger Waters
the keeper of Pink Floyd light
for the Sixth Anniversary Award of the City of Sarajevo
and independent of the official will
we grant him a recognition of
in the form of verses of Sarajevo poetry
to settle the debt from the past millennium
in order to enrich the Sarajevo "Eternal Fire"
by a golden flame of eternal mystery
what arouses a man
to step into a dream.

Ibrahim Osmanbasic

Sarajevo, 15.2.2019.


rodzer voters


O nama

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Tokom javnog djelovanja udruženje je otvaralo prostor za autorsku prezantaciju umjetničkog stvaralaštva mladih autora koji su uobličavali lični umjetnički izražaj u konkretno oblikovane ideje u vidu javnih manifestacija - putem kojih se prezentiraju umjetnička djela i radovi, kako članova KNS-a, tako i suradnika.

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– Nova svjetlost
Terezija bb, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina
+ 387 61 524 505

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